Required Minimum Distribution

This calculator determines the amount of the required minimum distribution of the original account owner that is needed to be distributed this year.

Click here for more information on the required minimum distribution.

After you've entered / confirmed your information below, press "Calculate" to determine your required minimum distribution amount.

Input - RMD Information
Date of Birth:  
Balance as of December 31: $
Year-to-Date Distributions: $
Outstanding Contributions1: $
Answer "Yes" below if one of the two following cases applies:
  1. The account owner’s spouse is the SOLE primary beneficiary AND he/she is more that ten years younger than the account owner.
  2. The beneficiary is a QUALIFIED trust AND the account owner’s spouse is the SOLE primary beneficiary of that trust AND he/she is more than ten years younger that the account owner.
  No  Yes  If Yes, please enter your spouse's birth date:

1An outstanding contribution pertains to multi-year rollovers, direct transfers and direct rollovers. You will need to increase the year-end balance (FMV) of your account by the amount received when you move tax free funds if the funds were received in the current year but distributed from the other plan or account in the previous year. This is true whether the transaction was a rollover from an IRA or qualified plan (such as a 401(k) and 403(b)), a direct transfer from another IRA, or a direct rollover from a qualified plan. In essence, you will need to increase your December 31 FMV by the amount that was transferred or rolled over and not included in the December 31 value of either account.

The calculators provide hypothetical examples and are not intended to represent past or future performance of a specific investment which cannot be predicted or guaranteed, or to provide specific advice to any individual. Rates of return will vary over time. Those investments offering a higher rate of return also involve a higher degree of risk.

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