College Planner

Use this calculator to set up a savings schedule for college tuition.

Enter information for up to ten potential students below. Then, enter your savings, growth and inflation assumptions. After you've entered your information, press "Calculate" to determine your estimated monthly savings needed to reach your goal.

Input - Student Information
Select number of students:   Changing this number will cause the page to reset.

  Name Age College
Annual Tuition
Please select an option.

Input - Savings & Inflation Information
Monthly Savings: $
Current Savings Balance: $
Expected Savings Growth Percent:  
Expected Tuition Inflation Percent:  %
Source: The College Board, Annual Survey of Colleges, 2023.

The calculators provide hypothetical examples and are not intended to represent past or future performance of a specific investment which cannot be predicted or guaranteed, or to provide specific advice to any individual. Rates of return will vary over time. Those investments offering a higher rate of return also involve a higher degree of risk.

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